Friday, June 11, 2010

Not So Sweet Facts About Flavored Milk

My friend Gina and I, both nutritionists, love watching any program that ignites our inner fire about nourishing and feeding the world with healthy, whole foods. So when ABC came out with Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution, we were ecstatic. Finally a TV program that would inspire, titillate and get our juices flowing.

Among many issues brought forth by Jamie Oliver, one thing stood out to me, and that was the insistence of having flavored milk (pink or chocolate milk) as an option in the school lunch program. After researching a bit, I even found a flier designed for nutritionists and teachers by the dairy council, speaking of the benefits of including this in our child's diet. Here is a link to it should you decide to explore this issue further:

I am here to share with you a very simple sheet of facts that will impact your view of this seemingly small concern. Not too much reading, and an significant end.

Here are the facts:

3 teaspoons is the amount of naturally occurring lactose that is in regular milk
4 teaspoons is the amount of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) that is added to flavored milk
7 teaspoons is the amount of TOTAL sugar in flavored milk (the same amount of sugar in an 8 oz. can of soda pop)

In the school programs, the recommended serving size for children of milk is 8 ounces. If they eat both breakfast and lunch at school, they are getting a total of 16 oz. of flavored milk, or 14 teaspoons of sugar (8 of which is the fat-inducing corn syrup). No wonder kids cannot sit still in school!

Although I have issue with shoving dairy products down our children's throats when it is estimated that 75% of people on the planet are lactose intolerant to some degree (and 75-90% of Asian, African, Native American, or Southern European descent), the least we could do is to ban this sugary flavored addition to our school meal programs as a start.

Why is sugar, and specifically high fructose corn syrup, bad for us and our kids? Here is a brief list:
  • High in calories, low in nutrients
  • Promotes weight gain (HFCS promotes weight gain more than other sugars because it is processed by the liver, which when burdened with too much - as is the case above - immediately shuffles it off as fat). Here is a link to a study showing this link:
  • Promotes mood disorders because of blood sugar fluctuations and exacerbated cravings
  • Mercury toxicity - in a recent study published in Environmental Health, 50% of the HFCS samples studied contained mercury. Mercury is a toxin that can cause immune, sensory, neurological, motor, and behavioral problems associated with autism.
  • Genetically modified - although the milk may not look like a Frankenstein experiment to your kids, it is. This corn sweetener used has been genetically modified. Among many concerns about GMO foods, one that is the most predominant is causing dangerous food allergies and immune deficiencies.
Where DID the food go?

The bottom line. To ensure that your kids are getting adequate nutrition, brown bag their lunch. My daughter loves a water bottle with ice cubes and mountain spring water (fresh from our well!) in her lunch. She gets calcium, potassium, protein and vitamin A from the fruits, veggies, and nuts that are in her diet - and without all the added hormones, antibiotics, and excess phosphorus that are in conventional milk.

Urge your schools to ban flavored milk and take a small step in increasing the quality of life of future generations.

Join the food revolution and sign Jamie Oliver's petition for American here:

Saturday, June 5, 2010

How to Have A Healthy Experience at a Summer Festival: McCloud Edition

Summer festivals abound in communities all around the country. Hot cement, vendors of all kinds, hot food and beer and wine speckle your visual choices - where should we start? And how do we enjoy the delight of all of this diversity, without giving into eating processed, fake foods?


Living in Mount Shasta on and off for nearly 7 years, I had never been to the McCloud Mushroom Festival on the other side of the mountain. So I did not know what expect. There could have been 100 booths with healthy food choices, or none for all I knew. My first step in creating a great day was prime preparation. I packed a little cooler with some fresh fruit, cold water, and a random Tupperware of tuna salad I had made that morning. Before heading over, we decided to stop at Seven Suns Coffee Shop.


Every coffee shop is a smorgasbord of tasty treats and beverages. As always, though, I focused on their huge tea selection. I had ordered the South African Rooibos, but I ended up getting something that tasted so different and delicious! It had a deep undertone of berry with cinnamon spice in it.

You will hear me say time and time again, that herbal tea is my go-to drink for getting an immune boost, antioxidants, and true hydration (on average 70% of us are chronically dehydrated). What we have here is actually a medicine cabinet full of delicious, sense provoking herbal concoctions for your health - flooding your system for the rest of your crazy and unpredictable day! Growing up drinking wine and developing a taste for the subtle variations in taste, smell, texture, set the stage for a curiosity and love of tea. When I drink it I wonder, where was this herb grown? What type of soil was it in? What history does it have with that culture?

My daughter, though, still has a liking for the one-dimensional taste of sugar. Here are the before and after pictures of her requesting a soy steamer with a 'little bit' of vanilla syrup. Ahh.. the power of sugar... and the poutey face.


Next we went on a walk at the lake. It is my experience that many of us ignore what our body needs. We distract ourselves with social engagements, addictions, drama, and eating in detrimental ways because we never allow ourselves to experience the innate voice within. If we listen, we most likely fear how powerful and expansive our lives could become.

Even though I knew we would be outside for most of the day at the festival, I never underestimate my instinctual need for solitude, peace, and quiet. To truly be full in our spirit, we must be connected to something bigger than ourselves, and for me, that is nature. Watching my dog Lucy embracing the path with fervor and unlimited boundless passion, as her four feet trot perfectly in sync to her full-on-sense-explosion gives me so much joy. She reminds me everyday of the power of being in the moment and embracing every single pixel of my vision and every vibration of sound that surrounds me.

Now, with my belly warm from the tea, and my lungs full of oxygen-rich air (and a dog happily panting in the back of the car) I was ready to go to the festival; full to the brim in myself so that I can embrace the coming event, without blindly reaching for something out side of me to 'fill me up.'


The first agenda at the festival was a 'run down.' We look over everything that is there, to see what items or products interest us. But more importantly, it is the experience that we should be looking for in everyday life. One of my basic premises with healthy eating, is to think less about food, and more about the wondrous other textures of life. 

There was mostly hot food vendors, beer, wine, and only two booths that really seemed to cater to mushroom lovers. I bought a package of dried Bolete mushrooms after being inspired by Henry, the salesman at the time. I will hopefully do a post soon on what I created with them, but it will be my first attempt at hydrating and cooking with dried mushrooms of any kind! There was also booths with amazing wood carvings, live plants, and music!

Camaria immediately wanted to (as well as my inner child) dive into the McCloud candy shop.  The beauty of loving your body, and eating healthfully is being able to dapple in all worlds without a dogmatic belief that one thing will make or break you. I gave Cammie the camera, and here is sampling of what world she saw during those 10 minutes:

 I bought her two dark chocolate malt balls and orange bits covered in dark chocolate. I always ask her to really appreciate and savor her treats. Instead of shoveling food in our mouths, we sit down, look at, admire, and become fully present for our food. When you are present, you can actually listen to and become aware of the cues your body is sending your brain. When we do this, we can eat treats and also honor what our body is experiencing.

My favorite booth was the olive booth! I LOVE OLIVES! Adams Olive Ranch is a olive farm out of southern California, family owned and operated. What I love about festivals is the opportunity to look into the window of other peoples lives. We have become so disconnected from eachother, that we fail to acknowledge how we have so very much in common. I imagine myself as a documentary film maker, diving into the beauty of a person's day-to-day uniqueness of farming close to the Earth, or preparing food for us 'town's folk' to eat.

Le'Osha Hamilton was the beautiful woman manning the olive booth (some people just have the special, radiant energy that makes you wanna buy!), and my interaction with her reminded me of the nutrition of human communication. When I can laugh, converse and share with another person, I imagine that I am giving my own cells in my body the cue to communicate with one another. I feel that somehow our nervous system is connected to this premise. If we communicate joyfully and with an open heart to others, so do the cells in our body. 

I ended up buying a glass jar of pitted kalamata olives. I used that bottle up in 3 days, on salads, in tuna, and on top of baked potatoes. They were fresh, plump, and so oily and savory.


By the time I got through the booths and made my purchases, I was hungry. I decided to abandon the main column of the festival and head into the old Mercantile building, where a cute little restaurant, Mountain Star Cafe, was hidden. Their menu was great! Locally grown, organic produce!? Be-still my heart. I ordered a huge delicious organic salad. This photo was taken by my dearest friend, Sherry LaLonde. Check out her photography on her website, she is amazing.

If all else fails, find a salad and some vinaigrette. You will be getting fiber, b vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients, and a host of other yet-to-be-discovered components in fresh, whole food form.

Regardless of whatever festival you may be attending remember these simple tips:

  1. Prepare with healthy options.
  2. Find solitude so you do not search for fullness in food.
  3. Hydrate yourself before, during, and after.
  4. Enjoy the nourishment of the people and experience more than food.
  5. Look for veggies wherever you go!
  6. If you do end up eating a greasy hamburger, sit down and fully enjoy it!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Travel Tips for Healthy Eating

Life was too monotonous. I have been feeling that mortality is palpable, that life is so short and transitory. So my solution? Let's go live it up! So my family and I decided to go on a weekend trip to the city. Beach, ocean, diversity will fill us up. But will our health be compromised by the stress and chaos of traveling, leaving us more depleted than when we left?

Oftentimes we may ask ourselves, "where did the food go?" as we drive through barren towns, with only truck stops, 711's, fast food joints and liquor stores. The answer should be, "In my backseat!" With us came along the snack staples that we enjoy at home. You can make a simple 10 minute cooler full of snacks and quick meals, brimming with the foods that I have given you in session. Here are some of the things that I picked up quickly before our trip:
  • South American Quinoa Salad (from the local Organic Deli - my daughter Camaria was excited. Kids are always so open to having a good time!)
  • Strawberries
  • Bananas
  • Almond Butter
  • Larabars
  • Smoked Salmon
  • Bragg's Seasoned Almonds
  • Ginger Kombucha
  • 3 Large Bottles of Water
Once you have made the drive, you have restaurants and grocery stores to contend with. I immediately called my father and found out where the closest farmer's market was so we could stock up on local, organic, and yummy snacks for the day.

The Farmers Market

Just like anywhere, you will find items that will tickle your senses and send you off course from a wholesome, fresh diet at a farmer's market. I found myself transported to the cobblestone streets of southern Italy, a long skirt trailing behind me as I waved and rubbed shoulders with the village people. There is something so primal about an open air market. All I needed was a hand woven basket and my fantasy would be complete. Pastries, muffins, and cakes freshly baked wafted to my nose. My daughter immediately honed in on what she wanted to celebrate our festive trip....

I asked her to hold off and to look at everything that was offered first. We could snack on samples of fruit, vegetables, cheeses, and fresh nuts and oils before we make the call.

Here is what I ended up buying at the market:
  • Pint of Organic Blueberries
  • 1/2 Pound of Organic Sugarsnap Peas
  • Whole Grain Flaxseed/Orange Muffin for Cammie :)
  • 3 Fresh Organic Peaches
  • Pint of Organic Strawberries
I skipped the meat and other rich items. These would give us fresh, fiber-rich and juicy breakfast items, clean our palette and allow us to absorb some immune-boosting components before the beginning of our day.

Coffee Shops

One of my husbands favorite things to do when traveling is to go to local coffee houses. These are great places to meet with people, linger, philosophize about politics, religion, and spirituality, and also get some great tips on what is happening in the area. The downside is stopping as much as we do (2 times on the drive down, and 3 times while in the city) can add up to high exposure to sugar, caffeine, and milk. There is a magical solution that will combat stress, hydrate your blood and skin, and boost your energy levels while on-the-go.


While on this trip I had 5 cups of tea, in a day and a half. I chose herbal varieties every time. Mint, chamomile, licorice, roobois, dandelion. Every 16 ounce cup gave me the hydration I was needing (which can be challenging when you do not want to drink the city tap water, and always forget to reload on purified water), dampened my appetite with warm, sweet, and savory varieties of herb, and energized me with antioxidants that were floating within each glass.  No need to add sugar or honey. These herbal teas coat your throat with warmth, and have subtle tastes that blanket your mind with curiosity. All that with no added calories!


Finding dining that is healthy is not as hard as you may think. I made sure we knew of every organic grocery store in the city. They always have salad bars and hot deli items that are organic or fresh and natural. Look them up beforehand, or ask the front desk staff at your hotel. Whole Foods is a grocery store that is ubiquitos in most cities in america today, but they are just an example of what is out there. I used them to get a three bean salad, spinach salad, and baked potatoes to go - as well as a burrito for my daughter.

Raw food restaurants are popping up everywhere. Cafe Gratitude in Marin was a mandatory stop for me to pick up one of their desserts for our series finale, "Lost" party in the hotel room. Raw food restaurants have amazingly delicious concoctions, and do not be afraid of them! Order a salad if you are tentative, and they will always be great!

But what if you do not plan ahead? Or maybe you are really hungry and in need of a sit down? Well, most restaurants have menu items that will vibe with your whole food, healthy program. If you schedule a 'How to Eat Out' session with Natalie you can learn all the tips on how to choose menu items, order it correctly, eat for optimal digestion, and portion sizing. These skills can carry you through any restaurant experience, regardless of the neighborhood!

We went to Haight and Ashbury, and found ourselves hungry and in need of a 'sit down' experience. We found Asqew, an amazing restaurant chain with fresh, natural meats and fish, and wholesome grains and salads. I got a spinach salad with wild Alaskan salmon skewers on top.

Cammie wanted the antibiotic and hormone free chicken skewer on lemongrass rice. It was delicious!

When you are in a healthy mindset, healthy foods will be drawn to you like a moth to a flame. With a little preparation, and some enthusiasm for focusing not only on eating healthy, but enjoying the discovery of the journey, you will come back from a mini vacation full of energy and renewed spirit!

Remember this tip: eating healthy should not be stressful and regimented. You should be inspired and lifted by immersing yourself in environments that value well being, while also nourishing yourself with friendly, loving thoughts about your body, your family, and the beautiful people and scenery you are experiencing. You can eat all the organic veggies underneath the sun, and still be a grump! Nutrition is the nourishment of mind, body, and spirit, so remember that eating healthy is just a product of choosing to notice the beauty in your world.

PS. Many of these photos are courtesy of Camaria Anastasio Pescetti, my 7 year old daughter. Thank you!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Take the Parking Lot Challenge

Here is a simple challenge that you can do the next time you are running errands. I want you to stop, park your car and look around at your environment. Look at the state of those around you, and observe any themes in your environment. What do the people look like? Are they mostly overweight, or thin? Do they look healthy and vibrant, or sick? Are they happy and boisterous, or do they look sad, irritable, and withdrawn? These are simple cues that send you a signal of what the current environment is creating.

An easy way to do this is to watch people in the parking lot arriving and leaving a grocery store or restaurant. Go to Hometown Buffet, a restaurant known for its glutinous survey of foods, or any fast food joint, like Taco Bell, McDonalds, or Burger King. You will notice that the people that dine at these restaurants are usually overweight, sick looking, or have skin disorders.

Then, go to a raw food restaurant, an organic deli or grocery store, and compare. The people that shop and dine in these places look very different. In fact, a male friend of mine commented on this, saying that organic grocery stores are the best places to pick up beautiful women!

Have you ever thought that your decisions are on autopilot based on your environment? Have you considered that if you change your environment, perhaps you can change as well? I am a firm believer that what we surround ourselves with, be it food, people, or elusive places, we become. If you frequent places with people who accept lower levels of health and vitality, then you may second guess your own right and ability to develop a more attractive and vibrant version of you. Food is not the only part of nutrition. Nutrition is what we consume in body, mind, and spirit. We must be aware of what we are exposing ourselves to, to truly understand why we continue destructive habits.

A great rule of thumb is to observe and honor those people who you aspire to become. Even if you are eating in a fast food joint, watch the woman who is thin and radiant in the room. What does she order, and how does she eat? It is not always 100% effective, but overtime you will develop the skill of objective awareness.

This is not about elitism or petty judgment. There is nothing less important about a person who is exhibiting extra weight or disease. They have just as much potential intellectually, emotionally and physically as any one else. It is not about looking down on those who you do not want to become. They are just as important and beautiful in engaging you in your journey back to health. Discernment and awareness are tools to use to excavate the inner workings of your reality, and find what may be influencing you on a subconscious level.

When you can learn this simple skill you will find that the places that you choose to go will change, and so will the tone and ease of your path to well being. No longer will you feel that the local co-op is a nervous and unknown territory, when you realize that something good may be rubbing off on you while you are there.

Whether it is in a restaurant, shopping mall, or grocery store, take a picture in your mind of what it is that you are seeing. Take the challenge and let me know how it goes!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Paleolithic Diet Revealed

The paleolithic diet is known by many names; paleo diet, the caveman diet, stone age diet, or hunter-gatherer diet. The basic premise to this way of eating is that we must eat the foods that are natural to our evolutionary blueprint. If we can eat according to the way our far off ancestors did, in the paleolithic era (10,000 years ago) we will be set free from the modern foods that are making us sick.

The belief in this methodology is that our current diseases and complaints truly began when we opted out of our natural hunter-gatherer diet. The onset of modern agriculture, animal husbandry, and mechanical processing and packaging was the end of the Paleolithic era.

In this plan we would eliminate all grains, dairy, beans/legumes, potatoes, sugar, and packaged food. We would focus on the foods that are free from technology and processing, like meat, fish, shellfish, eggs, tree nuts, vegetables, roots, fruits, berries, and mushrooms. Oils would be those that could be gathered by man, like olives, palm, coconut, avocado, walnut, almond, hazelnut, or pecan. All animal products are preferred to be wild, or grass fed, with an emphasis on organic when possible to mimic the natural micronutrient profile of nature's food, free from chemicals or additives.

What I love about this diet fad is its urgency to get rid of processed, packaged, chemically produced food. This is so vital and important in revitalizing the body and activating healing of any kind. Those who can adhere to this plan will gain benefit initially because of eliminating the common allergens of the modern diet, wheat, dairy, soy, and corn. They will theoretically be cutting out all sugars, additives, and chemicals, and will finally bust through some of their food cravings. They will be focusing on protein, and will thus lose an initial amount of weight, and could potentially stabilize their blood sugar. But sometime down the road the Paleo followers may reach a roadblock. Let me tell you why.

Toxins & Increased Acidity

The prime flaw in this approach is the emphasis on animal products. In a world brimming with over populated, factory raised, hormone and antibiotic-laden animals, we are not going to be receiving the health benefits of the wild game that was once present in the open lands of our ancestors. No longer do we have an abundance of animals at our disposal free from human influence and taint. Even 'grass-fed,' 'organic,' and 'free range' labels are devised by man, with numerous loop holes and criminal actions set behind them.

In her book, The Jungle Effect, Dr. Daphne Miller decided to go on a journey to the spots on the planet where chronic western diseases were absent. What she found was fascinating, and very applicable to the paleolithic diet. Each group of people, whether in Greece, Africa, Mexico, or Iceland, ate in entirely different ways (some with grains, mostly plant-based, or mostly animal-based), but with amazing health benefits and qualities of life.

When speaking of animal products, Iceland became a vocal point. The local woman she was staying with would not touch the salad that she had made. The Icelandic people loved eating a plethora of animal products instead as the staple of their diet. How could they eat all these animal products, and still have benefit? Upon further investigation researchers discovered the key. The animals and fish they had been eating were raised on clean, open water, or nutrient-dense soil and plants that had been untouched by man (imagine a scene out of Lord of the Rings, where land is vast, fresh, and clear). This enabled the antioxidant, fatty acid composition, and other healthy compounds to be transferred from the flesh of the animal to the flesh of man. These people lived in rural areas, where raising and taking advantage of wild animals could support the human population.

Although many of the Paleo Diet advocates emphasize the importance of the source of the meat, they miss this one significant point: how can we truly be taking advantage of the hunter-gatherer lifestyle when we are not hunter-gatherers? How can we claim to mimic that lifestyle when the consumption of animal-based products today coincides with the consumption of low-grade, low-nutrient density material? We are exposing ourselves to animals who are not pure and wild in their origin, and who are eating plants or feed that is from nutrient-poor, degraded soil.

Tired all the time? Suffering from joint pain, muscle pain or weakness? Constipated, suffering from acne, eczema? If you are not in a place on the planet where you can kill your own game on a regular basis, your adherence to this philosophy may down the line create toxicity, and overly acidify your system.

The Myth of Evil Versus Good

As in every diet fad, it is always good against evil. Some food is the crown jewel, and the other is the root of our suffering. But is this dogmatic approach really beneficial?

As in the aforementioned book, where Dr. Miller traveled the world, and in older works like Weston A. Price, these researchers find that healthy and thriving populations have diverse and wide-ranging diets, with many different staples, and ratios of foods. They find one common denominator that is withdrawn from all these golden examples, processed food. This is where the Paleo diet is right. Processed and refined food is a method in our current civilization that is causing disease.

Where the Paleo diet goes wrong is in assuming that taking evolutionary steps back to our caveman days is the end-all, be-all of our needs. It is an assumption based on the flimsy demonizing of a wide-range of foods that some populations have thrived on, with good qualities of life. Legumes, root vegetables and grains, for instance, have been used in the highly touted Mediterranean diet, and in the Mexican, African, and Greek populations with longer life spans and hardly any sign of western disease.

Any diet that excludes food that is natural, wholesome, and untouched by man is most likely off track. Natural, unprocessed whole fats, carbohydrates, and proteins can be the cornerstone of a enjoyable, delicious, and youthful diet. 

Long-Term Lifestyle Challenges

Anything that we attempt to incorporate in our lives must be done with care and awareness to our personal disposition. We are polar beings who are constantly changing. One day we may need more of a macro-nutrient, or less of a mineral. Going through puberty, menopause, or a stressful time in ones life are all examples of how we need fluid and flexible wisdom in place to always have health on our side.

The Paleo diet, albeit with temporary health benefit, is regimented and unrealistic in its approach. Although the base of the diet includes fruits, vegetables, and healthy, natural oils, most people, especially those with high-stress and physical demands, are going to rely on the protein-dense animal products as the base of their caloric needs. The average person will have to rely on mail-order meats and animal products, expensive organic meats, or vi for conventional choices when over budget and in need of convenient fixes. This will over time challenge the individual to be steadfast on this plan without wavering in the real world, and will create physical imbalances and toxicity in the body. 

In Conclusion

There are many questions one should ask. How much data exists to support the dietary and disease findings of the Paleolithic days? And how far should we take this philosophy? Were the vegetables and meats steamed, stir fried or boiled in the Paleo days? If not, then shouldn't we follow that restriction as well, in the event that raw foods were what promoted health? If that was the case, would you follow suit and take it to the next level? Or would you much rather have a way of eating that is not part of such a bound construct?

Staving off the processed and denatured consumables of modern food manufacturing is smack-dab on spot. But encouraging the consumption of a high ratio of animal-based protein, and eliminating plants that have shown benefit in cultures around the world, is unhealthy in our day and age. Now more than ever we need more plant-based disease fighting, anti-aging, immune-enhancing phytonutrients to combat our stressful and toxic state, that are not present in animal products.

People who are excited about these new ideas are precisely those who need to approach their diet from a more intuitive, and self-assessed perspective. They may need to look at the emotional reasons that they eat, heal any digestive impairment that was developed from their previous diet, and above all learn how to make decisions in the real world, without feeling bogged down by a 'regimented religious experience' of a diet.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Nutrition for Osteoarthritis

I was in a hurry. Weaving in and out of crowds, only to find myself stuck behind an elderly man, seeming to concentrate on every single centimeter of movement with his step. At first I was frustrated, why couldn't he be aware and see that I was needing to pass? Why was he going so slow? As I darted forward I saw his face, tired and worn with pain. I remembered that my mother was recently diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the hip, my father of the knees when I was a child. They are suffering from debilitating pain. Many people in our country do. Walking, or any movement at all, is a huge task to muster. Their joints are damaged from osteoarthritis, so much so that it alters everything about their life.

Osteoarthritis is the inflammation of the joints due to cartilage degeneration. Normally, our bones meet at a junction (or joint) with a cushion of fluid and tissue. This enables the bones to move freely next to each other, like a boat on water. But people experiencing this condition do not have that buffer, and their bones grind against each other like granite-on-granite, creating inflammation, burning pain, and eventually immobility.

The methods for dealing with bone-on-bone inflammation are limited when dealing with a doctor. Pain relieving medications are the initial treatment to relieve the discomfort for the patient. Although the symptoms may diminish, the disease process itself continues. And the long term use of these NSAID's actually cause more inflammation by stressing the liver, and damaging the lining of your intestines. The New England Journal of Medicine states that the long-term use of these over the counter drugs exacerbates asthma, allergic reactions, fragility of the bones, and immune system depression (New England Journal of Medicine 331, no. 25, 1994). These are all progressed forms of inflammation.

The other option is surgery, where the joints are replaced or resurfaced, or when tissue is shaved, trimmed, or reconstructed. But this does not come without risks as well. Blood clots, infections, dislocation, loosening and stiffening of the joint, in addition to the devices malfunctioning (as is the case with Zimmer Durom Cup).

None of these methods are addressing the underlying cause of the condition. Why is it that the body has allowed the degradation of cartilage tissue? Where is this inflammation attack coming from?

There is the wear and tear of living. Yet many people live into their 90's and beyond without any symptoms of joint discomfort and degradation. Perhaps it is genetics, yet even if we have some collagen-producing defect in our make-up, isn't their ways to prevent or reduce the effects? I believe there is.
When it comes down to it, osteoarthritis is a symptom of extreme, unnatural, and rapid aging in the body. If you are experiencing it, you are getting old, fast. Free radicals are the culprit.

Think of your body like a house. The more activity inside your house (metabolism, toxicity, stress, movement, etc.) the more stress is produced on the electrical, structural, and utility units, and repair or replacement is needed. In a normal household we have ways to deal with these natural issues. We call in repair workers (immune system) and buy raw materials needed (antioxidants) to neutralize or replace the parts that are not working. But in a house that is poor, and not getting enough funds (nutrients) we are unable to protect and fix the things that go wrong.

Nutrition no doubt has been shown to prevent bone disorders and inflammation from occurring. But there is also research showing that the addition of healing foods, and the exclusion of anti-nutrients from the diet, may be able to regenerate tissue and boost pain relief.

What is the most common and ubiquitous substance that your body is exposed to? What do you take in 5 times a day, every day of your life? Food! Yet this significant and impactful factor in your lifestyle is rarely discussed when it comes to bone and cartilage health.

What follows are suggestions for eating right for bone and joint health. If you take these factors into account and implement them in your everyday life, you will reap rewards.

First, we want to raise the deposit of certain resources into the bank account of your body that will provide your cells with the raw goods needed for repair, regeneration, and healing. Here is a sampling of some:
  • Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin, a phytonutrient rich in Vitamin A and C. The consumption of this spice cinches down on inflammation, and helps in decreasing the pain associated with arthritis.
  • Berries like cherries, blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries have a remarkable ability to strengthen collagen in the body. Eating one cup a day has shown to reduce uric acid formation, and prevent gout and other forms of arthritis (M. Gabor, "Pharmacologic Effects of Flavonoids in Blood Vessels," Angiologica 9).
  • Potassium-containing foods help in prevent the calcification deposits in the joints that causes stiffness. They also inhibit sodium retention, and prevent bone loss. The rich sources are bananas, green leafy vegetables (think kale, swiss chard) kelp, salmon, sesame seeds, sardines, brown rice, garlic, winter squash, nuts, and yams.
  • Apple cider vinegar, a teaspoon included in a glass of water before each meal, fights the build up of acid crystals in our joints. It also helps us digest proteins, reducing the inflammatory effects of undigested food.
  • Garlic and onions have proven to be beneficial for osteoarthritis and gout. They contain sulphur compounds that have antiviral and antibacterial properties, giving the immune system a much needed boost to fight free radical damage.
  • Vitamins! Studies continue to show that patients who are deficient in vitamins and minerals are more prone to osteoarthritis. Dr. Roger Williams of the Rheumatic Clinic in London says that it is very possible that those who suffer from arthritis could achieve permanent results through proper nutrition and joint manipulation. 
    • Vitamin C rich foods repair cartilage and tissue and are co-factors in protein synthesis (in other words, they help rebuild things in the body). The rich sources are broccoli, parsley, guava, strawberries, kale, cabbage, bell pepper, citrus fruits, watermelon and papaya. 
    • B vitamins are essential for joint health. Niacin (Vitamin B3) helps people from developing osteoarthritis in the first place. Pantothenic Acid has been given orally to patients and their osteoarthritis improved. B vitamins are especially rich in green leafy vegetables.
    • Vitamin E is a powerful nutrient that fights free radical damage and reduces inflammation. Studies have shown that sufferers of osteoarthritis with a high intake of Vitamin E report a significant reduction in their pain. Mustard greens, chard, sunflower seeds, almonds, and spinach are great sources of this vitamin.
  • Omega 3 Fatty Acids are polyunsaturated fats that are notorious for being deficient in the standard American diet, and for being anti-inflammatory. Anti-inflammatory substances are like bouncers that keep your crazy kids from partying and destroying your house. With their help they can prevent the damage that is done to cartilage and connective tissue, among other things. Find these fats in flaxseeds, walnuts, and cold water fish like salmon.
  • Zinc, copper, selenium, Vitamins A, D, and K have all been found to be co-factors in the growth, maintenance, and protection of the joints and cartilage.
    • An Alkaline Diet - Foods, when burned as fuel in the body, produce acidic or alkaline byproducts. If we consume too many acid foods (meat, poultry, dairy, and grains) then our body is more apt to produce inflammation and rapid aging of the tissues and joints in the body. We want to shoot for foods that give us alkaline minerals and phytonutrients that fight off inflammation, infection, and rapid aging. Remember:
      • Eliminate animal products (including dairy). 
      • Raise your intake of cold water fish, like tuna, salmon, herring, and halibut, which produce a natural anti-inflammatory effect in the body.
      • Focus primarily on fresh fruits, vegetables, raw nuts and seeds as the main staple in your diet. These foods are the pillar category in nutrition for fighting disease and chronic pain.
Eating good food is only the beginning. Ingesting anti-nutrients, or foods that are taking vitamins, minerals, and energy out of the body, can continue to create disease and inflammation. Here are the foods to avoid for those with osteoarthritis:
  •  Phosphorus to calcium balance in our body is important. Too much phosphorus in relation to calcium interferes with the chemical balance required for bone and joint health. Dr. Nancy Appleton warns that if functional calcium in the blood is low, the body will compensate by removing calcium from the bones. Oftentimes this leads to calcium being deposited in weak joints, causing crippling pain and inflammation. Lower your intake of the following phosphorus-containing foods and substances: 
    • Meat, poultry, dairy, soda, caffeine, alcohol, and table salt.
  • Sugar suppresses immunity, increases inflammation, causes weight gain, mood swings, hormonal imbalances, and dilutes our nutrient intake with empty calories. Free sugars include corn syrup, table sugar, beet sugar, evaporated cane juice, etc. Sugar is a main ingredient in our favorite comfort foods, like cookies, candies, cakes, pastries, fruit juice, and soda. Eat nature's sugar instead, fresh fruit!
  • Refined foods are foods that have been processed to become packaged, marketable, and less perishable. The problem with these foods is that they no longer are complete nutrition packages. Mother nature designs, for instance, a grain to come with vitamins, minerals, and enzymes that actually aid in the digestion and absorption of the food. When these are taken out (as is the case with grocery store packaged food) the body has to take withdrawals from its own nutrient reserves to process the food. The end result is an overdrawn internal system, pulling resources from the bones and tissues to deal with what has been eaten! Refined foods include white rice, white flour, white bread, white pasta, cookies, crackers, pizza and snack cakes. Make sure to look for products made with whole grain flours, and stick to fruits, vegetables, raw nuts, legumes, and oils as the main staples of your diet.
  • Stimulants, which include cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana, caffeine, pharmaceutical and recreational drugs, may make the body feel better temporarily, but they are poison to the bones. A stimulant is something that arouses improvement in your physical or mental function. But what many people do not realize is that stimulants increase function by scaring the body. On exposure to one of these substances, the improvement felt is actually the body pumping blood through the kidneys 10 times faster, increasing heart rate, and heightening mental acuity, to get the substance out of the body as fast as possible. Over time this causes increased free radical damage, aging of all the cells, and burns out the internal factories of the body that are supposed to keep the body in tip-top shape. Begin to taper down by reducing your intake by half, and then another half, until you can wean yourself off completely.
Although the protocol above is just scratching the surface of what we can do with nutrition, these pointers will be a great start in supporting the healing of your body. So much more comes into play. You may need to consult with a nutritionist for support and guidance on more specific and far-reaching programs and education like the following:
  • Portion Sizing - Eating large meals can inhibit digestion, and prevent the absorption of nutrients needed for repair.
  • How To Eat - Have you ever thought of not what you eat, but how? This has a huge influence on your youthfulness, health, and ability to utilize nutrients. 
  • Emotional Dysfunctions With Food - Have you always felt out of control with food, and at odds with your weight? Discover what is preventing you from letting go of destructive addictions and habits.
  • Body Image - No matter what your diet, current state of health, or life experience, loving and appreciating your body as it is right now is integral in the healing process.
  • Hypochlorhydria - Low stomach acid can be an issue that is contributing to inflammation, nutritional deficiencies, and rapid aging. 
  • Leaky Gut Syndrome - Intestines that are damaged can allow undigested food molecules to reak havoc on the internal system of the body. This is thought by many practitioners to be one of the prime causes of auto immune disorders.
If osteoarthritis could teach us anything, it is that we must pay attention to the subtle needs of the body. We may not feel the stabbing pain in the joints or feel the disappointment that we cannot keep up with our kids in the backyard in our immediate moment, but the potential is there. The burning of the lungs with the drag of a cigarette, the fatigue after the doughnut, or the guilt following a binge-eating session are all opportunities for us to feel and respond to the needs of our body before we develop more progressive and debilitating conditions. If the body is pushed to constantly 'give in' to an acidic, stressful, and nutrient-deficient lifestyle, something is taking the brunt.

      Wednesday, May 12, 2010

      Blueberries: Balls of Fury!

      When I get sick, my imagination runs wild. A side effect of going to college and studying the inner workings of the body, I can see the little viruses or bacteria infiltrate my system (maybe while my immune army was busy fighting off the glass of wine the other night?). They wear 1930's clothing, carry machine guns, and somehow Al Capone (played by Robert De Niro) is in there somewhere. These untouchables are not in their element. They are in a foreign land, and are no match for my immune system, brimming with cells that neutralize, fight, destroy, and dispose of sleaze balls like these.

      But sometimes our body runs out of the raw resources needed, and we fall prey to a bout of the flu, or maybe even over time we yield to the most compromising immune deficiency of all, cancer. In the U.S., an estimated 25–50 million cases of the flu are currently reported each year — leading to 150,000 hospitalizations and 30,000–40,000 deaths yearly. And cancer takes 500,000. It appears as though these renegade cells or viruses are winning!

      Lucky for us nature has designed foods that, when ingested, give the body the fire power needed to combat these imbalances. Plants! And one of the most popular and widely studied super hero for boosting immune capacity in the plant kingdom just became available this May!


      Blue, round, succulent, sweet, and dense, they are like little balls of fury against foreign invaders and domestic terrorists (like cancer). They contain powerful antioxidants that not only strengthen the immune system and combat the criminals of the body, but also improve the integrity collagen in your tissue, skin, and cardiovascular system. They promote brain health, regular elimination, and have compounds within them that seem to be specialized soldiers. Ellagic acid, for instance, blocks metabolic pathways that allow cancer. Resveratrol (that came along with that glass of wine, and the gift of a hangover) can prevent cancer and heart disease.

      This summer, make sure to increase your antioxidant capacity with blueberries. They satisfy that sweet tooth, and only pop 81 calories for one cup! Here are some tips for enjoying them:
      • Straight out of the Organic carton (rinse them with water first) for a snack!
      • Sprinkled on your morning cereal or yogurt. 
      • Freeze them and pop them in your mouth as a yummy dessert.
      • Put them in a almond milk smoothie, with banana, hemp protein, and some fresh pineapple.
      • Blueberries with Maple-Cashew Drizzle
        • Maple-Cashew Drizzle Recipe
          • 1 Cup Raw Cashews
          • 1/2 Cup Almond Milk
          • 1 Tbs. Maple Syrup or Honey
          • Pinch of Sea Salt
            • Blend the above ingredients together in a food processor or blender. Drizzle on top of a pint of blueberries. 2 Servings.

      Tuesday, April 27, 2010

      My Letter to Times Online UK: GM Soya Beans NOT Healthy

      A lot of people ask whether GM foods (like all conventional, non-organic soy and corn nowadays) are really that much of a health risk. Read my previous blog on the subject to learn more about the negatives.

      But something that is even more aggravating to me, politically speaking, is Monsanto's stance on labeling foods GM (so we can monitor whether, for instance, the rise in corn and soy allergies is due to these franken-foods), and on public advertising and marketing campaigns focused on proving GM's application to health and wellness. This has gone much too far.

      Read my response to the UK branch of Times Online regarding this very subject:

      Letter to Times Online Article - GMO Soybean Scam
      Times Online, UK

      To Whom It May Concern:

      In a recent article titled, “GM Bean Could Help Prevent Heart Attacks” by your Science Editor Mark Henderson, I was disheartened to see that in the extensive covering of this new component of our food culture none of the highly controversial and globally debated topics were discussed regarding Monsanto, and their Genetically Modified Foods.

      Monsanto’s Vice-President for Consumer Traits, David Stark, was quoted in your article as saying that this new Soya bean is “another reason for consumers to pause and consider whether GM has a role to play.” He thinks that GM Soya does have a role to play, should we allow it, “not only for how we deliver food for this planet, but also for how we protect our health. So, let us pause and consider some of the alternate findings, that have very much to do with our health, outside of the small studies being instituted to fast-track this soya bean into our collective mouths.

      Genetically modified foods have been studied extensively in their reactions on both animals and humans. Mice fed GM potatoes had intestinal damage, farmers have reported that pigs and cows have become sterile from GM corn, and a recent study funded by the Austrian government concluded that GM crops threaten human fertility and health safety. This is just a sampling of 65 health risks of GM foods, excerpted from Jeffrey Smith’s research and documentation on the subject (Smith 2007, 21-63). Even more interesting is the fact that in the UK, soon after GM soy was introduced, soy allergies skyrocketed.

      Monsanto expects this new bean to be ‘cleared’ by the FDA by 2011, but should we trust such an association? A study conducted by eight international researchers revealed a doubt in the reliability and accuracy of European Food Safety (EFSA) and the United States FDA tests to assess the health risks of GMOs and pesticides (Organic Consumers Association, 2009). They were quoted as saying that these committees “systematically overlook the side effects of GMOs and pesticides.” They demanded the publication of the results of tests regarding GMO safety, which are only revealed one-by-one as legal action is instituted.

      It is clear to me that one study, with just 33 people, is not sufficient to warrant such health claims and blind enthusiasm for an unknown product and food-like-substance. Nor does it make sense to stop at just 250 volunteers in a research study lead by the same Professor William Harris. We should be asking questions like, what independent, non-biased study has proven the long term effectiveness and safety of this supposed heart-healthy bean? And when there is such strong, diverse, and vast argument opposing this industry and technology, should we not take notice, not only as consumers, but as journalists?

      Natalie Anastasio Pescetti, CN, NE
      Mount Shasta, CA

      Friday, April 2, 2010

      Healthy Easter Basket Tips

      The fuzzy and fluffy white Easter bunny, the mascot of this coming Sunday morning, represents varying degrees of significance to different people. To me, it is a time of renewal, of shedding off the old unused and outdated parts of our selves, and bringing in the new to bloom. But to my daughter, the Easter bunny represents CHOCOLATE, and nothing else.

      Holidays can be hard for parents who want to focus on eating healthy, individually and as a family. But they are also the best time to get festive, and figure out how to create an awesome memory for our child, free from the singular sweetness of commercial candy. Surprisingly, kids actually have many motivators outside the realm of junk food and sweets. 

      Here are some simple tips and ideas for making your Easter basket, or Easter egg hunt, more healthy and in line with the true nature of this holiday. Use some or all of the below to make a unique basket stuffed full of goodies that will not send your child into a drunken sugar binge.
      • Art Supplies - New crayons, markers, paint, glitter and glue sticks. All art supply stores are wonderous in their inventory, and stuffing a basket full of these creative items will provide hours of fun throughout the day.
      • Stickers
      • Stuffed Animals
      • Tickets - Buy your child a ticket (or make one yourself if you do not have time to stop by the theater) for a movie, the local ice skating rink, or bowling alley. 
      • Books
      • Music - My 7 year old loves receiving new, odd music from me that lasts her for days as she discovers new songs.
      • Soap, Lotions, or Chapstick
      • Bubble Bath
      • Socks with cool designs
      • Home Made Gift Certificates - Make coupons (with the help of the Easter bunny) that you know will excite your child. Here are some ideas: room cleaning by mom and dad, pick your favorite dinner, breakfast in bed, 1 hour playtime, slumber party, etc.
      • Treats - Add something sweet, but only as a sideline (think small). A small organic dark chocolate egg, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries (your child's favorite fruit will brighten up that basket!), carob chips in a baggie.
      • Flowers - If we love receiving flowers, why wouldn't our children? Just choose a couple stems to enliven the basket. You could even make homemade potpourri with it after!
      • Board Games or Card Games
      • An Itinerary for the Day - Make a list of all the activities that you will do in the day together. You may want to include art time, play time, craft projects, or events that you will be attending. This is emphasizing experiences, rather than things.
      Kids want more than candy, toys, and new gadgets. They want attention, love, and warm experiences. Use Easter as an opportunity to come together as a family, and enjoy the day. Think about those things that you can do, every year around this time, to celebrate the end of the darkness of winter, and the illumination that comes from spring. Family traditions start outside the box of conventional standards, and provide richness and stability that will be held for a lifetime.

      I am starting a tradition this year that I am excited about. Every year the Easter bunny is bringing a recipe basket. This basket will be for the whole family, and it will be chalked full of fresh wholesome ingredients, along with a recipe card, for a yummy lunch or dinner. We will read the card, look at each fresh vegetable, herb, and spice and identify it, and make it together. You can even do another basket with the dessert of the day (and forgo the treat in the basket if you would like). I would recommend a raw dessert, made from wholesome ingredients. Rawfoodists are outstanding bloggers, so search away and experiment with their recipes!

      A happy, wholesome Easter is just a few steps away with a little preparation. Be creative, make new traditions, and do not forget to add things that fulfill you, inside and out.

      Saturday, January 30, 2010

      I Can't Believe It's Not Butter: Oh, Hell Yes I Am Turning the Tub Around!

      Years ago, when I was just a wee child, a common staple in my family household was I Can't Believe It's Not Butter (ICBINB). On corn-on-the-cob, cinnamon toast, bagels, pastries, pasta, rice, and steamed carrots. That yellow tub was a familiar friend, and my mother, an amazing and devoted cook, trusted it.

      In a sick, yet genius marketing campaign in the 1990's they plastered romance-novel-muscle-clad-Italian-model Fabio Lanzoni in their commercials lubricating the loins of their prime target audience, the stay-at-home and working mother. The campaign was successful and lured the grocery buyer away from butter (and saturated fat demonized for its apparent link to the rising incidence in heart disease) to hydrogenated, trans fatty acid, artery-clogging, vein-hardening vegetable oils.

      Now, they are yet again positioning themselves in a campaign to do damage control, aimed at recovering their reputation after the potential genocide of the average consumer's cardiovascular system where the content of their previous version of ICBINB was linked with a host of disorders and dangerous health complications. And we are falling for it again hook, line, and sinker.

      The current advertising campaign is using the actress Megan Mullally (you know, the socialite secretary from Will & Grace) in prime time spots dancing and singing the catchy song "Turn the Tub Around", being carried by young male grocery store workers (and they say men are the only ones who fall for this kind of advertising!). Here are the lyrics (but I have highlighted the ones pertaining to health claims to prevent sudden aneurysm):

      Turn the tub around, talking 'bout nutrition - Come see what we've found - It's what you've been wishin' - Big transition! - Butter lovers start rejoicin' - 'Cause we got a butter tastin' - Healthier choice in - Hustle over, - pick up a tub and read it - You're gonna find that butter, - don't really need it! - Whoa! - Turn the tub around - Feel the admiration - This is so profound - Healthier formulation - Formulation! - Fresh butter taste - Yes, that's here - No hydrogenated oils - So there is no trans fats here! - Memorize this tub, - then you just gotta grab it! - So, hold the butter, - Lets start a healthier habit! - Whoa Whoa! - Cause a closer looks gonna show - It's got great taste with no cholesterol - Do a nice thing for your body, - yeah, yeah yeah! - And when you compare it to butter, - It's an utter shame that butter's got more saturated fat than in this tub! - Hey! - Turn the tub around - Check each word and letter - How it does astound - Can't believe its better! - Believe its better! - Turn the tub around - Now that you have read it! - Go tell the whole town - Its the time to spread it! - Gotta spread it! - Gotta spread it! - Gotta spread it!

      Unilever (ICBINB's parent company) has also bought a whole channel on Dish Network devoted to the nonstop playing of this song, karaoke style with words at the bottom (I petition that this should be used as an instrument of torture, probably more efficient than the BeeGee's). So, with the song obviously promoting the newer healthier formulation of ICBINB is it, in fact, healthy? Lets start with the ingredient list to see what it is made of (green type are my comments):

      INGREDIENTS: VEGETABLE OIL BLEND (LIQUID SOYBEAN OIL (genetically modified Omega 6 oil), PALM OIL, PALM KERNEL OIL, LIQUID CANOLA OIL (genetically modified)), WATER, NATURAL SWEET CREAM BUTTERMILK* (exposure to pesticides, rBGH), SALT (90mg per serving), VEGETABLE MONO AND DIGLYCERIDES, NATURAL SOY LECITHIN (GM), (POTASSIUM SORBATE (may cause irritation to membranes), CALCIUM DISODIUM EDTA (May cause intestinal upsets, muscle cramps, kidney damage, and blood in urine. On the FDA priority list of food additives to be studied for mutagenic, teratogenic, subsacute, and reproductive effects) USED TO PROTECT QUALITY, CITRIC ACID, NATURAL AND ARTIFICAL FLAVORS (possible MSG which promotes weight gain), VITAMIN A (PALMITATE), BETA CAROTENE (COLOR).

      *Adds a dietarily insignificant amount of cholesterol per serving.

      Now, the claim that it is less in saturated fat than regular butter, that is true. It is also correct that there are no hydrogenated oils in the label. But read the pointers below to find out what is NOT healthy when you really analyze the ingredients and 'turn the tub around:'
      1.  Trans Fats: These unhealthy fats most likely do exist in this product. As long as the content is below 0.5g/serving, they can round down and label it as 0g, thanks to funding given to the FDA by the food industry to keep this loop hole in effect. That means that there could potentially be up to 14.7 grams of trans fat per tub (0.49g x 30 servings). Many people eat a tub a week, and thus are going to be receiving a good amount of cardiovascular disease promoting substances from this product in the long run.
      2. Damaged Fats: A majority of the fats in this tub are polyunsaturated (vs. saturated or monounsaturated). Polyunsaturates are the most sensitive, unstable, and vulnerable fats that exist. They are easily damaged and oxidized by light, air, and heat (all the components that go into manufacturing and processing). So, you are eating deodorized, artificially flavored rancid fat when you eat polyunsaturates in processed food form. Get them from the whole food (like the soybean, flaxseed, sunflower seed, corn) and they are beautifully healthy for you.
      3. Inflammation: Excess Omega 6 fatty acids (like the ones found in soybean oil) and damaged fats (in the vegetable oil formula above) promote inflammation in the body. It is the inflammatory response that promotes plaque build up and hardening in the arteries, high blood pressure, and a higher risk of heart disease. Inflammation is also linked to other disorders like weight gain, diabetes, arthritis, and auto-immune diseases.
      4. Genetically Modified Ingredients: These franken-foods have been linked to immune deficiencies, allergies, and fertility issues. They are not required by law to be labeled yet in the US, so many of us who respond to them negatively have no idea what was the trigger. Read the GM Blog I wrote to learn more...
      5. The Itty Bitties: Toxins in even small amounts can be too much for your body to handle. MSG, or monosodium glutamate, can occur in natural and artificial flavorings. This substance is an excitotoxin that makes your brain think the food tastes good, when it really doesn't. It is also used in laboratories to make mice fat for experiments (because they do not exist in nature). Calcium Disodium EDTA needs attention by the FDA, but has yet to be studied. It is no doubt an at-risk substance to be consuming without proper evidence of its safety. 
      Consuming damaged fats, chemicals and flavor enhancers is going to do nothing for your health, other than compromise it. You will age faster, look older, be more prone to weight gain, immune deficiencies, general inflammation, and degenerative diseases.

      It may seem a bit daunting to realize that advertising really has nothing to do with the truth. You may ask, "If it were really this bad, would they really be able to sell it and market it this way? Wouldn't someone stand up and discredit it?" Remember the hydrogenated fat revolution that is still going on today? No one stood up for decades, after the damage was already being done. The experts and companies that sold the trans fats products still are not coming forward to take responsibility for false claims and hopes, and for deceiving and endangering the public, despite their own ignorance. Millions of impressionable Americans will buy this product because of the techniques and wordage used above, for no other reason than lack of information, education, and regulation yet to be activated due to profit margin.

      If I could be as bold to take a line out of the Unilever book of hymns: Turn the Tub Around, and go tell the whole town!  Lets start a healthier habit!

      Here are some healthy fat recommendations:
      • coconut oil, unrefined (use in stir fries, and as a butter for toast and other baked goods)
      • coconut milk
      • olive oil, unrefined (drizzled on toast, rice, pasta)
      • avocados
      • olives
      • raw, soaked nuts and seeds (sesame, sunflower, almond, cashew, macadamia, walnuts, hazelnuts, pecans)
      • raw nut butters
      • flax oil (raw)
      • wild pacific salmon, mackerel, sardines, halibut, chunk light tuna
      Enjoy healthy fats! It is necessary for the vibrancy of every cell in your body, promoting mood, brain, heart, nerve, respiratory, immune, and digestive health.

      And do not eat fat out of a yellow tub.

      Tuesday, January 19, 2010

      The Special K Weight Loss Scam!

      My husband was out of town. And my daughter at a friends. Time for me to have some fun. I decided to do what any self-obsessed, deranged nutritionist would do - go and read labels at my local grocery store! I felt like a detective, elbow deep into the candies, crackers, margarine, and frozen foods, notebook in hand. Quantifying how many times I saw 'high fructose corn syrup' and 'partially hydrogenated' anything. "They still use this stuff?" I said in my head. "YOU still buy it?" I thought, brow crinkled, as a man reached around me to buy a tub of Gold N' Soft margarine. I should get a basket and start throwing stuff in.. you know, just to blend.

      I found my way to the candy aisle. So beautiful, colorful, and shiny. A couple steps further and I saw the "diet" section. Sugar-free candies, low-carb crackers, and diet bars. I must be on to something, because diet food, sandwiched next to, and looking a lot like, the junk food? Hmmmm... something is fishy (or more like that smell of 6 month old, oxidized plasticized hydrogenated oil).

      My victim of choice - the Special K Protein "Feel Fuller Longer" (yes, this is verbatim what is on the front) Chocolate Peanut Butter naturally and artificially flavored Bar. Why? Because it is one thing to make a candy, and clearly advertise it as that (a treat) but it is another to promote a product based upon its supposed ability to curb your appetite and help you lose weight, when it is actually just a candy bar.

      This bar is good. I know because my husband told me. I left this experiment next to the computer by mistake, where my guinea pig partner so bravely consumed it in a feat of extreme hunger (and was ultimately NOT satisfied).

      This bar is basically hydrogenated candy, injected with soy-sludge by-product protein. Here is the list of ingredients with my usual sarcastic comments in green:

      COATING (SUGAR (the first ingredient, meaning there is more sugar in this bar than anything else), PARTIALLY HYDROGENATED PALM KERNEL OIL (hydrogenated oils, or trans fats, have been linked to excess weight gain, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and have been proven to be harder to burn off, or lose, than healthy fats )†, COCOA PROCESSED WITH ALKALI, WHEY, NONFAT MILK, SOY LECITHIN, SORBITAN MONOSTEARATE (a synthetic wax), SALT, ARTIFICIAL FLAVOR (possible MSG), POLYSORBATE 60), SOY PROTEIN ISOLATE, PEANUT BUTTER (PEANUTS, HYDROGENATED RAPESEED AND COTTONSEED OIL (hydrogenated oils have also been linked to lower testosterone levels, and immune deficiencies), SALT), CORN SYRUP (a sugar that turns into fat faster than any other sweetener, linked to obesity), INULIN (FAKE fiber), FRUCTOSE (3rd type of sugar), SUGAR (4th type of sugar), RICE STARCH (5th sugar, because processed, white grains and starches turn right into sugar in your body), POLYDEXTROSE (FAKE fiber), RICE CEREAL (RICE, WHEAT GLUTEN, SUGAR (6th sugar listed), DEFATTED WHEAT GERM (all the healthy oils, and some vitamins, have been taken out), SALT, HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP (7th sugar listed), WHEY, MALT FLAVORING, REDUCED IRON, NIACINAMIDE, PYRIDOXINE HYDROCHLORIDE [VITAMIN B6], RIBOFLAVIN [VITAMIN B2], THIAMIN HYDROCHLORIDE [VITAMIN B1], FOLIC ACID, VITAMIN B12) - (synthetic vitamins are put back in, not because the food manufacturers feel guilty, but because they are legally required to), DEXTROSE (8th sugar listed), CONTAINS TWO PERCENT OR LESS OF CALCIUM CARBONATE, SOYBEAN AND PALM OIL WITH TBHQ (an antioxidant that actually can be damaged very easily, and small amounts have caused nausea, vomiting, ringing in the ears, delirium and collapse - 5 grams is a fatal dose) FOR FRESHNESS, GLYCERIN, SORBITOL, SALT, NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL FLAVOR (possible source of MSG), ASCORBIC ACID (VITAMIN C), SOY LECITHIN, MONO- AND DIGLYCERIDES (similar to trans fats), XANTHAN GUM, POLYSORBATE 80 (a toxic emulsifier that has been linked to infertility), D-ALPHA TOCOPHEROL (VITAMIN E), NIACINAMIDE, ZINC OXIDE, REDUCED IRON, PYRIDOXINE HYDROCHLORIDE (VITAMIN B6), VITAMIN A PALMITATE, RIBOFLAVIN (VITAMIN B2), THIAMIN HYDROCHLORIDE (VITAMIN B1), ALMOND FLOUR, PARTIALLY DEFATTED PEANUT FLOUR (stripped of its healthy oils and vitamins so it lasts longer on the shelf), WHEAT STARCH, VITAMIN B12, FOLIC ACID, BHT FOR FRESHNESS, VITAMIN D.

      Sugar, in its many forms and disguises, is the real component of this food (3.5 teaspoons worth in each!). If you were to grab all these ingredients and mix them up in a bowl at home, it would be a gooey mess of sugar-laden oils. And why does that not promote weight loss? Here are a couple reasons:
      1.  Blood Sugar Spikes - When consuming the above processed sugars (did we count 8 different types?) we get an immediate energy lift, followed by a deep and depressing low. This is what is one of the significant reasons why people feel out of control with food. Their blood sugar levels are so low after the body's insulin as shuffled the dangerous amount of sugar into the cells, that they are more hungry than before, and reach for yet another snack without regard for source. These fluctuating blood sugar levels are the cause of the classic binge eating sessions.
      2.  Nutrient Depletion - Another downside of sugar-obsessed foods like the Special K Protein bar, is the lack of proper nutrients. If your body were a bank account, every time you eat free sugars like this you would be taking out a withdrawal of energy and resources, rather than adding in a much needed deposit. That is because the body has to give up vitamins, minerals, and enzymes, that were supposed to come along with the food, to digest the flux of artificial substances. You end up more empty than before you started (you know, like Goodfellas roughing you up for money, and you always leave broke). You can see that they try to add in synthetic vitamins, but because they are not in the whole food form, your body does not respond to them as it would to the naturally occurring life-giving substances in a regular, alive food.
      3. Inflammation - That full-on assault from excess sugar causes inflammation in the body. Your immune system goes on high alert, trying to kill off or repel the dangerous food you have just eaten. This can cause premature aging (along with those trans fats), energy depletion, skin disorders, and eventually it can lead to degenerative diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis. What is the point of losing weight, if you are old, tired, and cranky all the time?
      4. Cravings - The more you eat these bars, the more your body gets used to excreting the hormones in response to the sugar spikes. The result? You end up craving more sugary, processed foods than before you began!
      How could a product containing mostly chemically-derived and produced food-like substances, that all have been linked at the forefront to increased appetite and obesity rates, be marketed as a diet food??

      The answer lies in the legalities surrounding health claims on food products. When you go to the Special K website, they specify that this protein bar is a part of a specific diet, consisting mostly of these nutrient-depleted products, in small amounts. Their disclaimer states: Diets high in protein and fiber may aid weight loss. Yet we know that the fake fiber that they inject into the food does not have the same weight-loss, cholesterol-lowering effects of their whole food counterparts, and that the added sugar content does quite a doozey to the declared formula. Here are their instructions for being successful with the plan:

      Meal 1: Start your day with a bowl of Special K, 2/3 cup of skim milk.
      Meal 2: Replace the second meal (lunch) with a bar like above.
      Meal 3: Eat a regular meal like you usually do for dinner
      Snacks: Enjoy 2 Special K snacks (like the bars above) a day.
      And lose up to 6 lbs. in 2 weeks!

      Here is the link to the above:

      This works only because it decreases the amount of calories consumed. It only can be advertised this way because the FDA allows health claims that are shady, at best, with many assumptions hiding behind the food companies websites and promotional materials, that no self-respecting consumer would spend time researching and reading.You could very well add any food into the above formula for that matter (lets say... a bag of Circus Peanuts) to replace Kelloggs products and come up with the same results: Weight loss for those who are desperate enough, followed by energy and nutrient depletion, and subsequent metabolic breakdowns, leading to added rough weight.

      It must feel frustrating for people trying to lose weight. Eating candy bars along with a bowl of cereal makes them only more hungry and depleted, and lacking radiant health more than ever before. My empty basket lays lonely in the aisle, as a woman swoops by me, darting to grab the Strawberry Protein Meal Bar (hey, I would have chosen the chocolate peanut butter, hands down). Unfortunately, the only form of nutrition education that the average American receives is through television and print advertisements, in which case this woman made the most informed decision she could. But I believe that we can do a lot better, in no time.

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      I am a girl who believes in magic and loves to write.