But real change starts with just a couple of sentences, and the use of your dollar power, and all that you have to believe in is your right to be healthy.
Did you know that genetically modified food (GM) is dangerous to your fertility, your immune system, is hazardous to our ecosystem, and is hidden in food products in your pantry? Maybe you would find it even more interesting that the company that creates this type of altered food is trying to keep it under raps?
There are a lot of articles out there that go into the specifics of the real threat that is a potential with GM foods, but let me give you a quick run down on what GM foods are, and how they may affect your health.
GM food is essentially food that has been altered by man in a laboratory down to the level of the DNA. Scientists inject genes from another plant, or even another species, like a spider or a fish, to achieve a particular result. It was thought that doing this would give us the power to achieve pest and disease resistance, temperature and chemical tolerance, and better nutrition in our crops. Monsanto (insert satan's horns here) is the corporation that is creating, patenting, and selling these products. Their mission statement on their site is hilarious and disturbing. They believe they are helping feed the planet.
Boy were they wrong. Here is a list of the disadvantages so far from GM foods.
- Harm to the Ecosystem that Supports the Food in the First Place: A GM Corn that was injected with a gene from a bacterium that is lethal to insect larvae seems to be killing off the monarch butterflies. Also, because nature does not rely on man (I wonder if those idiot scientists ever read my blog?) the wind and insects are carrying these GM seeds to other fields and infecting our food supply, and then Monsanto sues the farmer that ends up with this crop.
- Guinea Pig Science: These guys do not know what they are doing! In 1989 the FDA recalled supplements of L-tryptophan that was from a company in China that was utilizing genetic engineering to alter the molecular structure of the protein supplement. In doing so, a fatal blood illness was seen in those ingesting it. This is what many critics now say is happening in our food supply; unknown byproducts are being produced that are small and seemingly immeasureable by science, but hold extreme significance to our body's level of homeostasis.
- Allergies: There is a possibility that introducing a gene into a plant may create a potential or new allergen to those susceptible, like children, immunodeficient individuals, and the elderly. And with the above example, those of us who are not prone to allergic response may have one anyway, when the body is exposed to a tomato, lets say, with the splice of a spider gene (hey, that confuses me, I cant imagine what it does to the cells in my body). This is where labeling comes into play - why not label foods that are GM, so we can track if we have negative responses? Because Monsanto believes it will affect their bottom line. Their mission statement should be, "Feeding the world, whether they get sick from it or not."
- Infertility: A recent study came out in Austria that showed those mice who were fed GM corn developed a damaged reproductive system and offspring. Speaking for GM Free Cymru, Dr Brian John said: “This work will do huge damage to the GM industry worldwide, since it shows that a crop — Monsanto’s maize line NK603 x MON810 — which has been approved as safe by EFSA, and given consent for use in food and feed by the EC, is in fact dangerous to health. It demonstrates that the approvals process is at best inadequate and at worst corrupt. "
- Immune System Damage: The Italian government's National Institute of Research on Food and Nutrition published in 2008 a study that showed mice who were fed GM corn had "significant disturbances" in their immune system. The T and B cells were decreased in those fed the GM corn, which is a bit like being in Hollywood when the bodyguards and bouncers do not show up in town. Ick. Chaos.
- Go Organic: Organic food is legally bound to not source any of their products from GM varieties of food. In other words organic cannot equal GM. And by purchasing organic you are also eating food free of herbicides, pesticides, sewage sludge, chemical fertilizers, antibiotics, growth hormones, or other drugs.
- Avoid Processed Foods: Up to 75% of the ingredients that are on the packages in your grocery store are GM. Eat out of boxes, cans, and bags a lot? Down goes the crazy fake-food.
- Read Labels: Soybeans and corn byproducts are the most widespread GM crops. Avoid their ingredients like corn flour and meal, dextrin, starch, soy sauce, soy lecithin, margarine, and tofu.
- Produce Stickers: Every produce item at your grocery store has 4 digit number if it is conventional (4130), prefaced by a 9 if it is organic (94130), or a 8 if it is GM (84130).
If you could only do one thing for your health, and for your moral conscience, do the above.
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